We value the Bible as God’s authoritative and accurate word for salvation and service (2 Tim.3:16). Therefore we will strive to teach God’s word with integrity and authority so that unbelievers find Christ and believers mature in their knowledge and walk with Him
Authentic Worship
We value worship that is authentic and acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1-2). Therefore we desire to acknowledge God’s supreme value and worth in both our personal and corporate lives. We desire to be contemporary in our worship
Authentic Community
We value biblical community where people have the opportunity to serve, minister and love one another (Acts 2:44-46). Therefore we ask all our people to commit to and fully participate in small groups where they may exercise their gifts and enjoy community.
Grace Driven
We value a grace driven life-style as opposed to a legalistic one (Rom.6:140. Therefore we encourage our people to serve Christ out of hearts of love and gratitude rather than guilt and condemnation.
Culture Transforming
We value ministry that effectively communicates biblical truth in ways that people understand (1 Chron.12:32). Therefore we will constantly challenge the thinking and beliefs of our culture and submit to biblical truth where our culture contradicts scripture. We will also evaluate our forms and methods, seeking to be relevant so as to be effective for Christ.
Lost People
We value the lost because God does (Luke 19:10). Therefore we will use every available Christ-honouring means to pursue, win and disciple unbelieving, lost people.
Ministry Excellence
We value giving our very best in service to God because he gave his best -Christ (Col. 3:23-24). Therefore we will seek to honour Him by maintaining a high standard of excellence in all ministries and activities.