Hosea continued

The consequences of infidelity
Hosea 1:4-7

So, the drama continues. A marriage to a prostitute can only spell out disaster. And that’s what I think we are left to anticipate as we begin to look at the early years of Hosea’s new life together with Gomer. And the prophet’s dirty laundry is about to be hung out for everyone to see.

We are immediately told about the birth of the son in verse 3. The story goes to the point quicker than most soapies would. But what we are left to wonder is if the son undeniably belongs to Hosea or to another man. This is because verse 2 says that he must take for himself “an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness”. But this doesn’t seem to matter at this point because the significance of the birth of the child (similar to the other children) is on the name that he is given.

The name Jezreel is like naming a child Blood-River. It represents a place of victory and the ascendance of a nation to power. Recorded in the book of second Kings from chapter 9, King Jehu had come to power through a battle that was won by the hand of the Lord. But instead of eliminating Baal worship, he did evil just like his forefather Jeroboam. And so what used to be known as a place of victory is now to be known as a place of destruction.

The second daughter is named No-Mercy because the husband who is God himself is now fed up with the adultery of his bride Israel. He promises to destroy Israel through war. He used to be merciful, but there comes a time in a marriage where the consequences of infidelity come to play. And there came a time where God destroyed and did not show mercy.

And so the consequences of infidelity are spelled out to us through this marriage. God will surely punish his bride for infidelity. And his judgement is sure. And his judgement is depicted in the names of these two Children.
It is a message of warning to us who live in these times, to repent and not to presume on the mercies of God, because God will not always stand for evil.

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