Our great dream and goal as a church is captured under the theme Vision 20/20. These are some of the things we would like to achieve and accomplish as a community to the glory and praise of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To be a growing church reaching adults, teens and children.

We want to be a people that are passionate lovers of Jesus who follow Him as Lord and Saviour. Our philosophy for ministry is that people are better reached, discipled, equipped and grown in their faith and knowledge through the gospel and through relationships one on one. We want to achieve this goal through personal evangelism wherever God has placed us. We have a message that transforms lives for eternity and cannot keep to ourselves. As C4 we see ourselves as a church in partnership with God in His plan to reach the lost, of whom we once were, through the local church.

To keep multiplying Gospel Life Groups.

Because we want to see men and woman come to hear the good news, discipled and grown in their faith, we believe small group communities are the way to achieving this alongside our Sunday gatherings. Our Gospel Life Groups will help people connect with each other, look deeper into the bible and grow together.

To plant in the North of Joburg.

We don’t aim to be a large church but rather to reproduce ourselves in other neighbourhoods within the city. We believe church plants reach more people, new people in different parts of our city, people whom we would not otherwise reach if we were to remain one local church. We believe that as we evangelise the lost and as many come to faith, this will be the catalyst to church planting. Church planting grows the gospel in new areas and grows the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

To buy property in North of Joburg.

Our aim is to have a place to call our home and base for ministry. This property would be used for training, discipleship, equipping and also for our Sunday church gatherings.

To start a school in North of Joburg.

Our aim is to purchase property not only for ministry use but also to run a school. We want to serve the needs of our community and this country by providing good quality education. We want to start a Christian school which will be attached and influenced by our church.